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 Online Boat License Course 

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Achieve You’re Online Boat License Now & Start Your Worldwide Sailing Experience  

La escuela de vela INA (International Nutical Academy) Ibiza Yachtmaster Ocean es el nivel de formación más destacado y es la licencia más respetada y reconocida del mundo. es un certificado internacional recreativo de competencia para comandar embarcaciones de vela y / o motor hasta vasallos de tamaño ilimitado y sin limitación de navegación desde la costa. el objetivo final de los patrones. , Está diseñado para el patrón con más experiencia, cómo todos listos tienen un patrón de día / lancha motora nivel 2 o Yachtmaster Costal o Yachtmaster Offshore y quieren obtener la licencia de navegación más respetada en el mundo y convertirse en uno de los patrones de élite.

El curso Ocean Yachtmaster es una licencia importante. y te permite convertirlo en un Yachtmaster comercial y trabajar como patrón comercial en embarcaciones de hasta 500gt (pregúntanos por la licencia de navegación comercial de España).

No matter if you have sailing skilled or not having proper boating knowledge is important for your safety and of your passengers such as family or friends. I.N.A is a U.S. Coast Guard-recognized approved online boat certification course.

With more than 20 year of teaching experience, our online boating license course has been designed to comply with the different country’s and federal rules.

Our course allows skipper to learn the basic operation and safety regulations that are required to own, rent or operating  a boat or jet ski license. Our online course has been created with easy-to-read instructions and colorful illustrations for a fun and interesting learning experience. The course is easy to access from anywhere and really simple and friendly to use. There's no minimum time requirement, so you have a lot of time to learn in your study paste and to do it in your own time. Learn everything you need to know to enjoy boating with keeping security and safety in mind. 

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I.N.A. Best Selling Course

Our online boat License course Course is 100% easy, brilliantly illustrated and includes animated lessons that will help you to pass the course and have fun on the same time. The course includes everything you need to pass the test and obtain your International Boat License.

Anytime. Anywhere. Any Device.

Our course is available on all platforms and devices. You can start the course on your mobile, then continue on your tablet and finish it on your PC/MAC desktop.

Study at Your Own Pace

Study at your own pace and we will automatically save and record de your progress. So take your time, login in to your private course dashboard and continue whenever it is convenient for you exactly where you left off.

To Do the I.N.A Online Boat License You Don’t Need Previous Experience


Course Topics Include


• Basic coastal navigation and pilotage

• Collision regulations

• Safety equipment

• Chartwork Basic


• Meteorology

• Engine operations

• Basic parts and equipment on the boat

• lifejackets & liferafts

• Emergency and safety distress calls, flares


After registering you will receive a unique username and password to access the online course so that you could do it on your own speed



Experience Requirement None

Language of Instruction English/ France  

Minimum Duration 4 hours 

Minimum Age 16

License Type & Restrictions

Boat Type Sailboat  Motorboat & jet ski 

Sailing Distance Unlimited miles from the coast 

Boat Size Unlimited  meter 

Sailing Time Day & Night 

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